With the availability of many modern instrumentation amplifiers today, it has become quite an easy task to build a very precise current source. Current source is an important electronic building block that is supposed to deliver a constant defined current regardless of the load. If to a voltage source the low output impedance is the important characteristic, high output impedance would be for the current source. High output impedance means that as the load voltage changes due to current being sourced or sunk, there is very small change to the current. Ideally we would want the current to remain unchanged, because it is what it is supposed to do, to be a constant current source. My Digilent Discovery Kit includes an AD8226 in-amp, and together with a buffer, OP02 , also included in the kit, I made a very simple but very precise current source. What I like about this in-amp is it is a low-power, wide input and supply range instrumentation amplifier at +/-1.35 to +/18V, ve...
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