We've been talking about transistors recently, particularly the BJT, on What Can You Do With Two Transistors? Part 1 to 3. And perhaps before we continue with more installments on the topic, more discussion about the transistor as an amplifier would be very helpful. These tiny devices have been a game changer since they were introduced more than 50 years ago, and still don't fail to mesmerize people. From amplifiers, band gap references, current sources, to trans-linear amplifiers, they are absolutely phenomenal devices with a host of utility. We would dwell on the concept and idea of the amplification on this blog, perhaps not the same as many of us have been taught about transistors in school. The concept we will be discussing here is equally applicable to the MOSFETs. Many of us were taught that the BJT gets its amplification property from its Beta, the ratio of the collector current to its base current, and that it mainly is a current amplifier because of...
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